Retaining Walls

Retaining wall

If your garden is not level, you may benefit from having retaining walls build in it.

Retaining walls are stand-alone walls that hold back a slope. By holding back the earth on one side of the wall they create a level surface on the other side.

It is crucial that retaining walls are built properly, since they have to effectively hold back the earth, working against the force of gravity.

Retaining wall

Professionally built retaining wall will also allow for water to drain way from the wall, preventing weakening of the wall if it absorbs the water. Also, if the temperatures fall below zero and there is water trapped behind the wall, it can destroy the wall when it freezes.

Apart from just creating a level surface on one side, retaining walls can be used to create interesting effects in the garden. They make beautiful planters and transform an otherwise smooth surface by adding interesting features to your garden.

Contact us to find out how we can help you transform your garden with retaining walls.